Katrina Markwick has a deep love for the arts community that goes all the way back to her early days of volunteering with the Alberta Ballet at The Nutcracker. There, in the midst of selling glittering figurines and signed pointe shoes to little aspiring ballerinas and their families, she was swept up in the magic of seeing the production for the very first time. From that moment on she knew that she and the arts community were meant for each other.
With a Master’s Degree in Arts Management, Katrina formerly worked with the city of Portland in conjunction with the mayor’s office to complete the East Portland Cultural Plan.
From there she accepted the position of Publishing Coordinator, and subsequently the position of Associate Publisher, at Artslandia where she managed the Vancouver, BC branch for 5 years.
In her current role as Associate Publisher: National Sales & Revenue Strategy, Katrina forges new publishing relationships with arts groups and invests in creating lasting connections through ad sales.
Katrina loves to travel, finds joy in new recipes and new music, and is ever delighted by experiencing the unique and the unexpected..