This fast-paced and rollicking comedy revolves around the witty yet scheming Sir John Falstaff. Vanity gets the better of our knight as he attempts to woo two wealthy married women with the hopes of financial gain. After sending identical love letters, Falstaff’s flimsy plan is revealed, and Alice Ford and Meg Page hatch a plan of their own to expose him. Merriment and mischief are at the heart of this opera, as our beloved buffoon endures humiliations (such as being thrown into the Thames in a laundry basket) but ultimately uncovers his humility and in the end, love prevails.
Verdi ended his prolific career with this final masterpiece, considered one of the best comedic operas ever written, based on Shakespeare’s Henry IV and The Merry Wives of Windsor. This new production reimagines Shakespeare’s Windsor with projections.